Um leitor da revista Veja acusa a publicação de cometer plágio em uma matéria na edição Especial Sustentabilidade, veiculada no último sábado (18/12). A reportagem "10 mitos sobre a sustentabilidade" apresenta alguns trechos iguais aos publicados em março de 2009 na Scientific American, com o título “Top 10 Myths about Sustainability”. No entanto, a Veja nega e diz que há apenas uma fonte em comum, mas que também ouviu outros entrevistados.
Algumas partes do texto são realmente diferentes e há entrevistas de Anthony Cortese, fundador e presidente da Second Nature, Rosely Imbernon, especialista em educação ambiental da Universidade de São Paulo e Mark Lee, diretor da Sustainability, mas há outros trechos iguais ou bem similares à revista norte-americana.
De acordo com o editor-executivo da Veja, Jaime Klintowitz, o leitor já foi respondido e o que houve foi apenas uma fonte em comum, Anthony Cortese, fundador e presidente da Second Nature. “De 10 títulos há 7 em comum, tem essa coincidência. Mas nossa principal fonte é a mesma da Scientific American, o Anthony Cortese. De qualquer forma, matérias sobre esses são assuntos são parecidas”, explicou.
“When a word becomes so popular you begin hearing it everywhere, in all sorts of marginally related or even unrelated contexts, it means one of two things. Either the word has devolved into a meaningless cliché, or it has real conceptual heft. “Green” (or, even worse, “going green”) falls squarely into the first category. But “sustainable,” which at first conjures up a similarly vague sense of environmental virtue, actually belongs in the second. True, you hear it applied to everything from cars to agriculture to economics. But that’s because the concept of sustainability is at its heart so simple that it legitimately applies to all these areas and more.
“When a word becomes so popular you begin hearing it everywhere, in all sorts of marginally related or even unrelated contexts, it means one of two things. Either the word has devolved into a meaningless cliché, or it has real conceptual heft. “Green” (or, even worse, “going green”) falls squarely into the first category. But “sustainable,” which at first conjures up a similarly vague sense of environmental virtue, actually belongs in the second. True, you hear it applied to everything from cars to agriculture to economics. But that’s because the concept of sustainability is at its heart so simple that it legitimately applies to all these areas and more.
Despite its simplicity, however, sustainability is a concept people have a hard time wrapping their minds around. To help, Scientific American Earth 3.0 has consulted with several experts on the topic to find out what kinds of misconceptions they most often encounter. The result is this take on the top 10 myths about sustainability. And after this introduction, it’s clear which myth has to come first....”
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